Wisconsin Wonders

There is power and possibility when we come together.

Together, we can create a new wonder for Wisconsin, a world-class Future Museum that’s alive with the wonders around us and unleashes the wonder within us.

Make a gift to the Wisconsin Wonders campaign.

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With the Wisconsin Wonders campaign, we hope to rally our community behind the largest cultural project in our state’s history and create a new Museum Center that brings together the best in the world of museums and brings out the best in Wisconsin.

Read on to learn why this project is so important.

Case for Support

girl pointing inside wisconsin state silhouetteThe time has come to look ahead.

While MPM’s current building—owned and maintained by Milwaukee County—has served it well for generations, it no longer can. Ceiling leaks, burst pipes, and poor conditions threaten priceless collections and result in costly repairs. The current building threatens MPM’s sustainability and risks bringing down Wisconsin’s most-visited museum.

We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create an all-new destination for people and families across our state. And with your support, we will create the Museum our institution requires, our vision demands, and our state deserves. Together, we can create a new wonder for Wisconsin, a world-class future Museum that’s alive with the wonders around us and unleashes the wonder within us.