Field Notes:
Hibbard's Creek in Door County; Trees surrounding this swift, clear creek are white birch, trembling aspen, and cedar. Orconectes (C.) propinquus |

Field Notes:
Root River in Milwaukee County; This rapids area of the river has a substrate of cobblestones, gravel, and small boulders. Orconectes (C.) propinquus, Orconectes (P.) rusticus, Orconectes (G.) virilis, and Procambarus (O.) a. actus. |
 Field Notes:
Hibbard's Creek in Door County; specimens collected at this site are dark in color, in contrast to individuals of the same species from a nearby lake where the marl substrate is light in color. Orconectes (C.) propinquus |

Field Notes:
Chippewa River in Sawyer County; the water is turbid and brown, and the crayfishes are very dark brown except for their blue-gray chelae. Orconectes (G.) virilis. |

Field Notes:
Littoral zone of Lake Michigan in Door County; the lake bottom is sandy with gravel and large pebbles. Shoreline vegetation at this site consists of sedges, horsetails, rushes, and willows. Orconectes (C.) propinquus and Orconectes (G.) virilis |

Field Notes:
Yellow River in Burnett County; this clear, moderately swift river has a substrate of cobblestones, sand, and gravel. Orconectes(G.) virilis |

Field Notes:
Raccoon Creek in Rock County; streamside vegetation includes grasses, horsetails, black willow, box elder, wild cucumber, and nettles. Orconectes (C.) propinquus and Orconectes (G.) virilis |

Field Notes:
Venus Lake in Oneida County; this lake is edged by rushes and sedges and has slightly tinted, brown water over a sand and gravel bottom.Orconectes (P.) rusticus |

Field Notes:
Burrow chimney of Cambarus (L.) diogenes on French Island, La Crosse County. This ground is part of the U.S. Fisheries Bureau Research Laboratory site. Cambarus (L.) diogenes |

Field Notes:
Jackson Harbor, Lake Michigan in Door County; this Washington Island shoreline consists of rocks, mud, and marl. Orconectes (C.) propinquus and Orconectes (G.) virilis |

Field Notes:
Namekagon River in Washburn County; the water here is clear with a little tint, and the current ranges from moderately swift to swift. Orconectes (C.) propinquus and Orconectes (G.) virilis |

Field Notes:
Butternut Creek in Price County; the creek is crossed by the highway here, and all specimens collected were found under rocks that are close to, and under, the bridge. Orconectes (C.) propinquus and Orconectes (G.) virilis |

Field Notes:
Kangaroo Lake in Door County; crayfishes at this site are unusual in having a predominantly blue coloration. Orconectes (C.) propinquus |

Field Notes:
Long Lake in Vilas County; the lake bottom is mostly sand, with some gravel and cobblestones. Orconectes (C.) propinquus |

Field Notes:
Lake Minoqua in Oneida County; all specimens from this site were taken with the dip net from under rocks near shore. Orconectes (P.) rusticus and Orconectes (G.) virilis |

Field Notes:
Tributary of Tiffany Creek in St. Croix County; jewelweed, grasses, and wild cucumber border this clear, slow stream. Orconectes (G.) virilis |

Field Notes:
Richland Creek in Green County; specimens were seined from the creek and dug from burrows in its banks. Cambarus (L.) diogenes, Orconectes (C.) propinquus and Orconectes (G.) virilis |

Field Notes:
Chippewa River in Pepin County; the river here has a moderate current and is slightly turbid with a predominantly sandy bottom. Orconectes (G.) virilis |

Field Notes:
Little Waumandee Creek in Buffalo County; the current here is moderately slow and the water clarity ranges from slightly to moderately turbid. Cambarus (L.) diogenes and Orconectes (G.) virilis |

Field Notes:
South Fork Flambeau River in Price County; trees surrounding this site are green ash, willow, birch, and red dogwood. Orconectes (G.) virilis |