John Blimke
Though he was born in Chicago, John Blimke moved to Waukesha as a young boy, and considers the Milwaukee area his true home. Now, John is a new addition to the Trustee of Tradition Society.
Of German and Norwegian heritage, John says the homes in the Museum’s European Village are easy reminders of his ancestors, a legacy that he generously shared with the Museum this past year through several early 19th and 20th century family heirloom gifts to the history department. With a strong love for the Museum, John often refers to a visit to MPM as a “vacation,” and wants to ensure that the Museum is always there to provide its role of preservation, research, education, and -– of course -– enjoyment. John is a Trustee of Tradition because he wants to help keep the museum available to the public for the next 125 years. Making a planned gift to the museum ensures that future generations will continue to enjoy MPM’s treasures.
Lynn Chappy
Lynn Chappy is no stranger to the Museum. As a little girl she would come to the Museum with her mother, Phyllis Pubanz –- a past MPM docent -- and her father. Lynn would then wander among the endless artifacts and exhibits in wonder. She remembers The Streets of Old Milwaukee as a family favorite.
Recently reunited with MPM, Lynn was again in awe, specifically with MPM’s dedication to education. From the clue crew program to overnights and lectures, Lynn is thoroughly impressed by all that MPM has to offer the community.
Lynn’s own love of life-long learning is stimulated at the Museum. She knows that no matter how many times she visits MPM (and she visits often), there will always be something new to learn. Lynn wants to make sure others have the same opportunity to learn and marvel for years to come. She will ensure future generations this opportunity through a planned gift.
“It is my absolute pleasure to help support an organization that provides so much life-long learning through a planned gift.”
-Lynn Chappy, Trustee of Tradition
Lygere Panogopolous
Since she first moved to Milwaukee, Lygere has taken advantage of what the Museum has to offer: classes, trips, lectures, exhibits, special exhibitions, dome theater films, and planetarium shows. “I like the museum’s variety –- its focus on natural history and human history,” she says.
Lygere loves to bring out-of-town visitors to the Museum, and they are invariably impressed by its richness -– from the Streets of Old Milwaukee to the European Village, to the butterflies and Rain Forest.
Lygere believes that Milwaukee and all of its cultural institutions need the support of its citizens to guarantee its survival and success in the 21st century. She’s a Trustee of Tradition of the Milwaukee Public Museum because she “wants the future generations to learn from and appreciate the past as they move forward.”