Make a gift to the Wisconsin Wonders campaign

All gifts to the Wisconsin Wonders campaign for the Future Museum should be made to Historic Haymarket Milwaukee (HHM), a separate nonprofit that exists for the sole purpose of developing the Museum project. Pledges also support our fundraising goals and can be payable over five (5) years. Learn more about gifting options below.

To Make Your Gift via Check

Make your check payable to:
Historic Haymarket Milwaukee

Mail to:
800 West Wells Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233

To Make a Gift by Credit Card, Stock, or Pledge Payable Over Five (5) Years

Please contact Julie Quinlan Brame or Daniel O'Brien.

Julie Quinlan Brame
Senior VP of Development

Daniel O'Brien
Senior Director of Major Gifts


Naming opportunities start at $100,000, and we are happy to discuss ways to help you honor your family and loved ones in the Future Museum. Contact us to start exploring what's possible.