Oceans: The Blue Planet 3D

otterTake a global odyssey to discover the largest and least explored habitat on earth. From the coastal shallows to deeper, more mysterious worlds, hear the untold stories of the oceans' most astonishing creatures. Meet fascinating characters like the ingenious tusk fish that uses a tool to open its food. Find a cunning octopus who shields herself in an armory of shells to hide from predators. Journey through the oceans to experience these extraordinary discoveries and uncover a spectacular world of life beneath the waves.

Showing October 8 - March 29


Mountain Quest - Giant Film

mountainsMountain Quest is tapestry of jaw-dropping action combined with rich STEM content and  physics of the real world – how climbing is a tug-of-war between friction and gravity, while skiing involves the same battle of forces in reverse, and more. Educational insights on engineering are seamlessly integrated with dramatic visuals and action. Narrated by Willem Dafoe.

Showing October 8 - March 29



MPM Inside Out

leafSee some of the Milwaukee Public Museum's most intriguing items at MPM Inside Out.

MPM Inside Out features objects not normally on view. Discover research from Museum curators, enjoy and observe unique presentations, and more. You can even try to stump our experts with your questions, and go behind-the-scenes of the Daniel M. Soref Dome Theater and Planetarium!


green frogExperience the vocal and visual beauty of frogs at this special exhibit!
Limited Engagement: October 6, 2018 - January 6, 2019

Frog Feedings: Stop by to watch the frogs get fed by a professional keeper and learn something new! Feedings occur daily at 11:00 a.m. for about 15 minutes.

Monday - Amazon Milk Frogs and/or Mexican Dumpy Frogs 
Tuesday -  African Bullfrog and/or Ornate Horned Frogs
Wednesday -  Giant Monkey Frogs and/or Amazon Milk Frogs 
Thursday -  Poison Dart Frogs
Friday  - Amazon Milk Frogs and/or Mexican Dumpy Frogs 
Saturday -  African Bullfrog and/or American Bullfrog
Sunday - Poison Dart Frogs


Navy Day at MPM

Celebrate Navy Day at the Milwaukee Public Museum with the U.S. Navy!

Enjoy the musical stylings of the Navy band The Brass Ambassadors, meet Navy divers and their robots, and more!

Date and Time

Monday, August 6
Concert at 2:00 p.m.


Milwaukee Public Museum, Ground Floor