For the most complete bibliography of Aztalan and related Mississippian material please refer to Robert A. Birmingham and Lynne G. Goldstein's book Aztalan: Mysteries of an Ancient Indian Town. Wisconsin Historical Society Press. Madison Wisconsin, 2006.
Wisconsin State Historical Society Link: www.wisconsinhistory.org
Anderson, Kristin Linnea. "Aztalan Site: A Human Skeletal Inventory and Excavation History." Masters Thesis, University of Chicago, 1994.
Baerreis, David A. and Joan Freeman. "Late Woodland Pottery as Seen from Aztalan." The Wisconsin Archaeologist 39, no.1 (1958):35-61.
Baerreis, David A. and Robert A. Maher. "The Aztalan Lithic Complex. In: The Wisconsin Archaeologist. Volume 39. No. 1 March 1958: 5-26.
Barrett, Samuel A. Ancient Aztalan. Bulletin of the Milwaukee Public Museum 13 (1933).
Barrett, Samuel A. Recent Excavations at Aztalan. The Wisconsin Archaeologist. Volume 12, No. 3. (1932):74-80.
Birmingham, Robert A. and Leslie E. Eisenberg. Indian Mounds of Wisconsin. Madison University of Wisconsin Press, 2000.
Birmingham, Robert A. and Lynne Goldstein. Aztalan: Mysteries of an Ancient Indian Town. Wisconsin Historical Society Press. Madison, Wisconsin.
Freeman, Joan E Aztalan: A Middle Mississippian Village. In: Introduction To Wisconsin Archaeology, A Special Issue of The Wisconsin Archaeologist. Edited by William Green, James B. Stoltman, and Alice B. Kehoe. Volume 67, No. 3-4. September-December 1986: 339-359.
Goldstein, Lynne G. "The Implications of Aztalan's Location." In New Perspectives on Cahokia: Views from the Periphery. Monographs in World Archaeology no. 2, James Stoltman, 209-228. Madison: Prehistory Press, 1991.
Goldstein, Lynne G. and Robert Cook, and Peter Cunningham. "Aztalan Research: Preparing for Park Interpretation and Planning." Report submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 1999.
Goldstein Lynne G. and Joan Freeman. "Aztalan: A Middle Mississippian Village." The Wisconsin Archaeologist 79, nos. 1&2 (1997): 223-248.
Goldstein, Lynne and John D. Richards. "Ancient Aztalan: The Cultural and Ecological Context of a Late Prehistoric Site in the Midwest." In: Cahokia and the Hinterlands: Middle Mississippian Cultures of the Midwest, edited by Thomas E. Emerson and R. Barry Lewis, 193-206. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991.
Lapham, Increase A. The Antiquities of Wisconsin, As surveyed and Described. 1855. Reprint, with a forward by Robert A. Birmingham and Introduction by Robert P. Nurrie, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2001.
Maher, Robert F. and David Baerreis. "The Aztalan Lithic Complex." The Wisconsin Archaeologist 39, no.1 (1958):77-101.
McKern, W.C. "Aztalan" The Wisconsin Archaeologist 27 (1946): 41-52.
Parmalee, Paul W. "Animal Remains from the Aztalan Site, Jefferson County, Wisconsin." The Wisconsin Archaeologist 41 (1960):1-10.
Peri, David W. and Robert W. Wharton Samuel Alfred Barrett: An Account of Samuel A. Barrett's Life. University of California Berkeley. 1965.
Richards, John D. "Ceramics and Culture at Aztalan: A Late Prehistoric Village in Southeast Wisconsin." PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1992.
Young, Biloine Whiting and Melvin L. Fowler. Cahokia, The Great Native American Metropolis. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000
The Wisconsin Archaeologist. The journal of the Wisconsin Archaeological Society.
Wisconsin State Historical Society Link: www.wisconsinhistory.org
Other Webpage Links to Aztalan: www.dnr.wi.us/org/landparks/specific/aztalan
Aztalan State Park Friends Group Website: www.Aztalan.us
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Website: https://dnr.wi.gov/
For additional information please contact Aztalan State Park manager and site educator
Tom Davies,
P.O. Box 855,
Lake Mills, WI 53551
ph: (608) 241-4958