The Dogrib, or Tlicho (pronounced, "tlee-chon") as they call themselves, are members of the Athapaskan speaking Dene peoples. Dene, which means "people," is used by many of the Athapaskan-speaking Native Americans to show their unity as a larger political group (PWNHC, Lessons).
The Dogrib predominately reside in Canada’s Northwest Territory between Great Bear and Great Slave lakes. This area is referred to as the North Slave Region and the Mackenzie Valley. Their current population is approximately 4,000, mostly living in four different communities: Gameti (Rae Lakes), Wekweti (Snare Lake), Wha Ti (Lac la Martre), and Behchoko (Rae-Edzo) (Government of Canada, Dogrib). The Northwest Territory capital city of Yellowknife also has a substantial Dogrib population.
Webpage produced by Kate Erickson, UW-Milwaukee History Student, 2007
Questions? Contact Dawn Scher Thomae